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5 Solas

The 5 Solas: Soli Deo Gloria

5 Solas
We, as Christians, with hearts filled with gratitude, ought to seek to glorify Him. All the time. In every circumstance. In all that we do.
This is Part 6 in our series “The 5 Solas: History & Implications For The Church.” Click below to view the others:
Hey, Pastor Joe Griffo of Redeemer Church of South Hills—so glad you’re joining me as we come to the last of the five solas of the Protestant Reformation
Soli Deo Gloria (to the Glory of God alone), is really the overarching theme of the entire Reformation — and not only that, but the entire Christian life. To give glory includes a deep, deep reverence towards, a sincere worship of, and highest praise to God. We’re just left in awe of His majesty. It’s honor of, appreciation for, and obedience to our God. His glory is our priority.
When it comes to salvation, it’s all of God, to the glory of God alone! He chose us in Christ from before the foundation of the world, and He accomplishes salvation through the Son and by the power of the Holy Spirit. He alone is responsible for regeneration, for renewing our hearts. He graciously grants us faith and repentance, with which we believe in, and turn to, Christ. He forgives all of our sins and accepts us as righteous in His sight — justification.
He adopts us into His family, and we as members have all the rights and privileges of sons and daughters of God. The Holy Spirit is working in us, enabling us to die more and more to sin and self, that we may live all the more to Him! We are kept by His power, so that nothing can separate us from His love. He will safely see us into glory.
Soli Deo Gloria.
We, as Christians, with hearts filled with gratitude, ought to seek to glorify Him. All the time. In every circumstance. In all that we do. So this means that for the Christian, there is no separation between the sacred and the secular — we do not compartmentalize — we live our entire lives before the face of God. Every realm, sphere, area of our lives belong to Him, to glorify Him.
This begins with ourselves. We glorify Him when we acknowledge that our heart belongs to Him. Our mind is set on and trained by Him. Our actions are honoring to Him. Our relationships glorify Him. In marriage, we are to behave as the spouse that we’re called to be. With our families, we lovingly lead, train and care for them. In our friendships, we regard others as more important than ourselves. Our work glorifies Him — we work as unto the Lord. So we put forth hard work, quality work, and honest work. Never half-hearted, lazy, or stealing time.
In our worship, we only offer it up according to His word, what He’s commanded and demanded.
In regards to our activities and entertainments — we aren’t overtaken by them, but rather we keep them in perspective. We glorify Him when we acknowledge His sovereignty over all of life, His providence in every situation.
1 Cor. 10:31 sums it up nicely: So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
We should never, ever seek glory for ourselves. This is hard because we want to be noticed, affirmed, and appreciated. Now, if others take notice, and acknowledge what you do, or show appreciation, amen! That gives you an opportunity to glorify God, to witness! But see, it’s ok if we don’t receive credit, if we don’t get that “thank you”, if we’re overlooked, or underappreciated. If you as a Christian need approval, keep a record, get even, are passive aggressive, quick to defend yourself, rattle off how much you’ve done, look for self serving advantages, then it’s not Soli Deo Gloria, but it’s Soli me Gloria.
The Cambridge Declaration puts it beautifully:
“We reaffirm that because salvation has been accomplished by God, it is for God’s glory and that we must glorify Him always. We must life our entire lives before the face of God, under the authority of God, and for His glory alone.”

Joe Griffo is Pastor of Redeemer Church of South Hills in West Mifflin, PA. Learn more about him here
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