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West Mifflin Fire Hall #3, 3722 Rodeo Drive, West Mifflin, PA 15122
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Our Act Like Men Conference is in the books! Find and watch all of the impactful sessions here!

Jesus Is Risen, Jesus Is Lord

Let us rejoice in Christ’s resurrection by gathering together and boldly and publicly proclaiming to all the only gospel of the risen Savior, and that He and He alone is Lord.

The Leftist “Confession of Faith” – We Believe: Love is Love

Christians cannot hope to bring about conviction over sin and repentance for it by the gospel message if the reality of God’s sovereign rule over all is so quickly abandoned. And one by one, Christians are surrendering foundational truths to LGBTQ demands, from God’s definition of marriage and the biblical family model, to even God’s own role as Creator when it comes to gender.

The Crisis of Cowardice

If our treasure is on this earth, if we love our stuff, our comfort, our reputation, our safety, then it is likely that we will compromise our obedience on the day of trouble. But if Jesus Christ alone is our treasure—if we love His name, His glory, His church, His truth—then we will stand courageous. We will confront danger, we will suffer, and yet by the Spirit and His strength, we will obey.

Thoughts For Christians Entering the New Year

Many Christians are asking the question right now, “what can we do?” We see the mountainous obstacles before us, we understand that fundamental issues are hanging in the balance, and we yearn to act, yet we do not know exactly what action to take.

The Leftist “Confession of Faith” – We Believe: No Human Being Is Illegal

Globalism is the goal. A world without borders, equal access to resources and opportunity, identical policy across the globe, unquestioned and unchallenged…This sounds so peaceful, so loving, so accepting; should not Christians desire this? But just beneath the surface, this is nothing but secular utopian idealism, which is directly opposed to the Christian worldview.

The Leftist “Confession of Faith” – We Believe: Black Lives Matter

What decent human being would claim that black lives do not matter? The well-documented issue with this, however, is that the simple and true statement “black lives matter” cannot be divorced from the radical Black Lives Matter organization and movement. This is the manipulative language game played by the left, which is the theme of their confession.

Wake Up: Critical Race Theory & Salvation

For CRT, regeneration consists of a person becoming “woke.” That is, to become aware of things previously taken for granted, things perhaps you were not even fully aware of, things such as privilege, power, and prejudice intrinsic in you and in your culture.

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Wake Up: Critical Race Theory & Sin

CRT is not about justice, but vengeance; not about establishing unity, but sowing division; not about forgiveness, but retribution; not about impartiality, but inconsistent standards; not about peace, but strife; not about love, but hate; not about grace, but race; not about sin, but skin. 

No Justice, No Peace?

In a world marred by sin, injustice remains prevalent, and justice will never be perfectly executed. How then are we to respond to injustice? How then can we have peace? Read more…

Better Off Dead?

We must understand that God has not kept us on this earth by accident, but in His providence, He is building up His church, one body made up of uniquely gifted members, all integral for His purposes. So the questions we ought to be asking ourselves are “where has God made us ‘necessary’ for His purposes? In what areas can we have a greater impact?

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