Jan '21
Pro-Life Ministry Update: January 2021
Jan '21
The Pro-Life Ministry at Redeemer Church of South Hills is an important component of our church. Each month, the ministry will provide an update on all of the work that is being done with the goal of ending the murder of innocent babies.
Feb '20
Better Off Dead?
Feb '20
We must understand that God has not kept us on this earth by accident, but in His providence, He is building up His church, one body made up of uniquely gifted members, all integral for His purposes. So the questions we ought to be asking ourselves are “where has God made us ‘necessary’ for His purposes? In what areas can we have a greater impact?
Jan '20
The Searing of the Conscience
Jan '20
What is being called destigmatizing is in reality the intentional effort to sear men’s consciences by the continual repetition and eventual believing in lies. It’s a choice. It’s health care. It’s a woman’s right. It’s nobody’s business. It’s not a baby. We must understand that the arena in which we fight is not primarily political—nor is it over societal construction—but over conscience.
May '19
Abortion Legislation: A Contrast of Good vs. Evil
May '19
What is staring us in the face is the complete reversal of good and evil. Think about it: protecting the lives of babies is slandered as being archaic and evil—while killing babies is good. Killing babies is good. That is exactly what the culture is screaming, loudly and clearly, for all to hear.
Feb '19
The God of Life, The Culture of Death
Feb '19
The overtly God-hating society in which we live will go to extraordinarily great lengths to rid itself of any mark of God’s Image. Whether it be through distorting justice, perverting sex, or renouncing gender, sinful man is constantly seeking to remove its Creator’s fingerprints. And so it should not surprise us at all that the hallmark of God’s Image in women—childbearing—falls under attack, and that in their rebellion, women begin to loathe that to which God called them.