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Turning The World Right-Side Up

We can hope as much as we want for their deliverance, we can complain to one another about the incoherence of their worldview, and we can debate political policies as much as we wish, but if the church is not active and intentional in engaging on a personal level with trans-identifying people, they will remain in their sin. “How are they to hear without someone preaching?” (Romans 10:14).

Preparing For Grace

As the issue of transgenderism specifically continues to assert itself as the brightest flashpoint of the modern cultural battle, Christians more and more must realize that this horrifying trend commands our engagement.

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The Crisis of Cowardice

If our treasure is on this earth, if we love our stuff, our comfort, our reputation, our safety, then it is likely that we will compromise our obedience on the day of trouble. But if Jesus Christ alone is our treasure—if we love His name, His glory, His church, His truth—then we will stand courageous. We will confront danger, we will suffer, and yet by the Spirit and His strength, we will obey.

Thoughts For Christians Entering the New Year

Many Christians are asking the question right now, “what can we do?” We see the mountainous obstacles before us, we understand that fundamental issues are hanging in the balance, and we yearn to act, yet we do not know exactly what action to take.

No Justice, No Peace?

In a world marred by sin, injustice remains prevalent, and justice will never be perfectly executed. How then are we to respond to injustice? How then can we have peace? Read more…

The God of Life, The Culture of Death

The overtly God-hating society in which we live will go to extraordinarily great lengths to rid itself of any mark of God’s Image. Whether it be through distorting justice, perverting sex, or renouncing gender, sinful man is constantly seeking to remove its Creator’s fingerprints. And so it should not surprise us at all that the hallmark of God’s Image in women—childbearing—falls under attack, and that in their rebellion, women begin to loathe that to which God called them.