Apr '21

Wake Up: Critical Race Theory & Sanctification
Apr '21

Ultimately, CRT appeals to sinful human nature, as it justifies and encourages revenge, retribution, intimidation, and violence. It makes provision for hatred, division, destruction, and all sorts of partiality. But it also seduces professing Christians and those who are morally minded by playing on our sense of guilt.
Aug '20

Wake Up: Critical Race Theory & Salvation
Aug '20

For CRT, regeneration consists of a person becoming “woke.” That is, to become aware of things previously taken for granted, things perhaps you were not even fully aware of, things such as privilege, power, and prejudice intrinsic in you and in your culture.
Jul '20

Wake Up: Critical Race Theory & Sin
Jul '20

CRT is not about justice, but vengeance; not about establishing unity, but sowing division; not about forgiveness, but retribution; not about impartiality, but inconsistent standards; not about peace, but strife; not about love, but hate; not about grace, but race; not about sin, but skin.
Jun '20

Wake Up!
Jun '20

Rather than focus on teaching sound doctrine, we’ve sought to draw crowds into churches with lights, music, and lowest common denominator theology that surely won’t offend anyone. The chaos in our streets should be a wake-up call for Christians. In part, we are witnessing the fruit of our complacency and cowardice to properly preach the gospel.