Posted on Jan 20, 2025 by Luke Griffo in General | Tags: 1 Timothy 1:3-7, 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12, 9/11 narrative, biblical interpretation, biblical law, biblical priorities, Christian doctrine, Christian faith, Christian responses, Christian teachings, Christian theology, Christian unity, Christian worldview, church division, church teachings, conspiracy theories, conspiracy theory dangers, conspiratorial thinking, COVID-19 misinformation, Evangelism, false signs and wonders, false witness, global politics, God's sovereignty, gospel proclamation, gospel-centered ministry, history revisionism, holocaust denial, Jewish world dominion, overcoming evil, overcoming Satan, Post-War Consensus, PWC, Reformed Christianity, religious conspiracy theories, Rushdoony, Satan's power, secular society and faith, social media influence., spiritual warfare, trust in institutions, truth in the church, World War II revisionism23
While some of these more eccentric views can be harmless fascinations, it is possible for such theories to do significant damage to the church, especially as those investigating them become increasingly imbalanced in their perspective.
Posted on Nov 5, 2024 by Luke Griffo in General | Tags: Biblical voting perspective, Biblical wisdom for voting, Christ is King, Christian citizenship, Christian election encouragement, Christian perspective on election, Christian values in politics, Christian worldview, Election Day reflection, faith and election, hope in Christ, in God we trust, Jesus is Lord, Kingdom of Christ, sovereignty of God, trust in Christ’s sovereignty47
Election Day may determine leaders, but Christ alone is King. His sovereignty challenges us to look past slogans and political cycles, anchoring our lives in His truth and reign. Before we cast our votes, let’s examine where our true allegiance lies—and what that means for every sphere we influence.