Considering Biblical Arguments: The Case For Trump

With the Presidential election quickly emerging and the two candidates at last settled, Christians are obligated, as always, to prayerfully consider how we utilize the authority God has given to us as American citizens. Read more…

Covenantal, Not Casual: The Cultural Significance of Sex

We must understand that all of the culture exists downstream of our perspective on sexual ethics and marriage, hence why every false religion, cultural movement, or sociological phenomenon has a sexual dimension to it.

How Thankful Are You?

We give thanks for his great faithfulness, when ours is so small. For his strength, because we are so weak. His courage, when we are so fearful. His comfort when we are hurting.

The Sinfulness of Sin: The Answer

It was not possible for Christ to be held by death (Acts 2:24)—he was resurrected! For us, that is everything! It means that God’s justice and wrath against us is satisfied. It means that Christ’s work is finished. It means that the results of sin—death—is defeated and that total forgiveness and absolvement is available to any who would put their faith, not in their own ability to obey, but in what Jesus has accomplished in our place. Read more…

The Sinfulness of Sin: Commission

These are when we do that which God tells us not to do; when we break the law that He has put on our hearts and has spelled out for us in His Word.

The Christian Response To Mass Shootings

People are asking the questions, how could this happen? Why do these tragedies so often take place? We’re offered a slew of answers from pundits, and “experts,” the news media, politicians… and anybody with a Facebook or Twitter account. The fact is, these attacks shouldn’t surprise us.

Misunderstanding Marriage: A Christian Response To Rape Culture

From no-fault divorce to the legalization of gay marriage, the church has failed to protect this holy creation ordinance from those who would seek to destroy it. What has resulted is a culture that has a very low view of marriage and instead exalts sex as the ultimate end-all of romantic relationships.