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West Mifflin Fire Hall #3, 3722 Rodeo Drive, West Mifflin, PA 15122
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Jan 7, 2024
Essentials, Not Add-Ons
The characteristics of Christians set them apart from unbelievers and show they belong to the Lord.  They are essential to the faith, not to show that we're Christian, but because we're Christian.  We ought to have genuine love, hate for what is evil, love for what is good, show honor to one another as believers, and be zealous for things of God.  The example has been laid out for us in Christ, and we are to walk in a manner worthy of our calling.  
Scripture: Ezekiel 33:1-9, Romans 12:9-13
  • Jan 7, 2024Essentials, Not Add-Ons
    Jan 7, 2024
    Essentials, Not Add-Ons
    The characteristics of Christians set them apart from unbelievers and show they belong to the Lord.  They are essential to the faith, not to show that we're Christian, but because we're Christian.  We ought to have genuine love, hate for what is evil, love for what is good, show honor to one another as believers, and be zealous for things of God.  The example has been laid out for us in Christ, and we are to walk in a manner worthy of our calling.  
    Scripture: Ezekiel 33:1-9, Romans 12:9-13
  • Dec 10, 2023Your Obligation
    Dec 10, 2023
    Your Obligation
  • Dec 3, 2023Distinct Because There’s A Difference
    Dec 3, 2023
    Distinct Because There’s A Difference
    There are distinct characteristics of Christians that are the natural outworking of the Christian life.  While we still battle indwelling sin, live in a fallen world, and are constantly tempted by Satan, Christ gives us the foundations for living that give us the ability to live in a way that honors him.  No one or nothing is more central to a Christian than Jesus Christ and obeying, pleasing, and serving him as a living sacrifice.  We are not to be conformed to this world or the things in it and should not count on these things to bring us our purpose, joy, or meaning.  Be transformed by the renewing of your mind and view everything through the lens and objective truth of the Bible. 
    Scripture: Isaiah 55:8-13, Romans 12:1-8
  • Nov 19, 2023The Savior of All
    Nov 19, 2023
    The Savior of All
    Although most civilizations throughout history are extinct, the Jews have been held together throughout, and God is not done with them as a people.  As unfaithful as the Jews were in their rejection of the Messiah, his covenant promise remains that all of those whom he calls will be saved. Nobody is beyond his reach, and his promises and plan will not fail.  Just as the Gentiles were very far away 2000 years ago, the Gospel turned the world upside down, and the same will be true for the Jews in that a great multitude of them will be saved at the appointed time. 
    Scripture: Deuteronomy 7:1-11, Romans 11:25-26
  • Nov 12, 2023Grafted In
    Nov 12, 2023
    Grafted In
    This text shows Paul's concern for the unbelieving Jews he was ministering to.  Although physical Israel rejected Christ, it will and has led to the salvation of the people of many nations.  It has been beneficial to us as Christians because the Gospel has gone out to the nations as a part of God's plan and is used as righteous jealousy to wake up the Jews to Jesus being the Messiah.  Paul wants people to see what they have that they took for granted, such as being a part of the covenant community. 
    While they will not be fully restored, God is not done with Israel in the sense that many will be saved through Jesus Christ.  As we see today and throughout history, Jews have been disproportionately despised, and as Christians, we are not to be arrogant toward them.  While they are not to be considered de facto Christians and need the Savior, we have much common ground in the 39 books of the Old Testament, and we need to make them jealous for Christ by living faithfully and showing them the Messiah with love, patience, and humility. 
    Scripture: Psalm 22, Romans 11:11-24
  • Nov 5, 2023The Remnant
    Nov 5, 2023
    The Remnant
    Being born into a Christian family or having been descended from a Jewish community has many benefits, but it does not mean that one is saved.  Paul was the "perfect" Jew in every way, but that did not save him; instead, it was his faith in Jesus Christ alone that transformed his life.  Many people who are merely religious or profess to be believers will reject the faith, compromise the gospel, affirm sin, and eventually leave altogether, demonstrating that they never truly believed in one true gospel in the first place.  But amid widespread rebellion and throughout history, God has always kept his remnant as a witness to the nations, as soldiers in his army, so that he might show his power through them.  We need to guard against remaining only in our Christian huddles and be instruments in the hand of our Redeemer to an unbelieving world.    
    Scripture: 1 Kings 19:9-15, 18, Romans 11:1-6
  • Oct 29, 2023What About Israel?
    Oct 29, 2023
    What About Israel?
    Has God forgotten about Israel?  In these verses, there is underlying tension as Paul is speaking to the ethnic Jews, whom God has used throughout history as a part of God's unfolding redemptive plan.  Ethnic Israel rejected the Messiah, and many of the laws, ceremonies, and traditions that the Jews held pointed to and were fulfilled by Jesus Christ and his work on the cross.  With that said, God has not absolutely rejected all Jews, and Paul himself, as a Jew, was an example of this.  He was seen persecuting the church and not seeking salvation in Jesus Christ alone, but God saw fit to invade Paul's life and call him to himself, and he will do the same to a multitude in the future.  We must come alongside Israel and preach the Gospel as we must to all others.   
    Scripture: Isaiah 65:13-16, Romans 10:16-11:10
  • Oct 22, 2023Everyone Who Calls
    Oct 22, 2023
    Everyone Who Calls
    Salvation is not for one particular group of ethnic people. It's for all sinners and for all time. We've sinned against God our creator and God alone, and it's to him that we must be reconciled to, not nature or some other person or being.  Only Jesus could do for us that which we could never do for ourselves, and when we truly trust in him alone, lives and cultures are changed. 
    Scripture: Isaiah 52:1-10, Romans 10-11-15
  • Oct 15, 2023No Shame
    Oct 15, 2023
    No Shame
    When God lifts the restraints on a godless world, and sin abounds, there is no shame when there ought to be. Sinful behavior is normalized, a sign of man’s arrogance, selfishness, rebellion, and deep fallen nature.
    The world will seek to shame those who hold to Christian convictions and hold to what the Bible teaches into silence or embrace the lie that what we believe is shameful, bigoted, old-fashioned, etc. This is all done to justify their own sin. As Christians, we are reminded that there is no shame for those in Jesus Christ, and we are called to live our faith and the truth of Scripture unashamedly and with boldness and love.
    Scripture: Isaiah 61:1-8, Romans 10:8-11
  • Oct 8, 2023You Put This Faith In My Heart
    Oct 8, 2023
    You Put This Faith In My Heart
    How are you able to please God?  It's not on your own.  It's all of God and all of grace, all the time.  Salvation is not about making a decision for Christ or somehow being convinced.  You can't be saved by doing your best or trying harder because you will always fall short of the standard and may not be saved if you merely profess to believe in Christ.  Salvation results from the change the Lord makes in our hearts.  Because of this, when we confess with our mouths that Jesus is Lord and believe in our hearts that God raised him from the dead, we give all of ourselves and our lives to him to be used for the building up of his kingdom and his glory.  
    Scripture: Deuteronomy 30:1-14, Romans 10:5-10