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Our Act Like Men Conference is in the books! Find and watch all of the impactful sessions here!

Jun 21, 2024
Session 1: Act Like Men (Introduction)
From the Act Like Men Conference hosted by Redeemer Church of South Hills, Pittsburgh, PA Session 1: Act Like Men (Introduction) Session 2: Fatherlessness Session 3: Dominion In The Home Session 4: Men As Protectors Session 5: Men & Work Session 6: Men In Public Life Session 7: Men In The Church Friday, June 21st and Saturday June 22nd, 2024
  • Jun 21, 2024Session 1: Act Like Men (Introduction)
    Jun 21, 2024
    Session 1: Act Like Men (Introduction)
    From the Act Like Men Conference hosted by Redeemer Church of South Hills, Pittsburgh, PA Session 1: Act Like Men (Introduction) Session 2: Fatherlessness Session 3: Dominion In The Home Session 4: Men As Protectors Session 5: Men & Work Session 6: Men In Public Life Session 7: Men In The Church Friday, June 21st and Saturday June 22nd, 2024
  • Jun 16, 2024Child Sacrifice Prohibited
    Jun 16, 2024
    Child Sacrifice Prohibited
    Life has immeasurable value as we are created in the image of God. Sin distorts the truth and denies reality, often targeting the most vulnerable in society. However, the heart will remain unchanged unless the Lord intervenes. Unchecked sin tends to target those who should be protected the most, becoming entrenched in culture under various guises.
    History shows that in different eras, including Greco-Roman times, the killing of babies occurred for reasons such as establishing legitimacy, controlling family size, or due to paternal preference. In modern times, different methods are employed, but the outcome remains unchanged – the loss of innocent lives. This practice has become normalized, accepted, and even rationalized, but at its core, it is a matter of the heart. It is through the light of the gospel that true transformation can occur.
    Scripture: Genesis 1:26-27, Jeremiah 19:1-6, Matthew 5:1-20
  • Jun 9, 2024All Glory Be To God
    Jun 9, 2024
    All Glory Be To God
    In his letter, Paul expresses his gratitude for the gospel, emphasizing that glory belongs to God. He reassures that God is powerful enough to keep us forever and nothing can separate us from his love. Paul encourages that the message of salvation is for everyone, regardless of their ethnicity or location. He emphasizes making disciples of all nations and the obedience of faith. Paul illustrates the transformation that occurs in individuals when they embrace the gospel, turning from death to life, from blindness to sight, and from being lost to being found. He stresses the importance of preaching the gospel and its impact on society, promoting freedom, opportunity, equality, justice, order, education, truth, and morality while opposing tyranny, oppression, partiality, lawlessness, chaos, ignorance, and indecency
    Scripture: Deuteronomy 28:1-14, Romans 16:25-27
  • Jun 2, 2024Do Not Be Fooled (Part 2)
    Jun 2, 2024
    Do Not Be Fooled (Part 2)
    It's absolutely essential to safeguard the purity of the church, foster unity within the community, and ensure that our message is impactful. When we encounter individuals who sow discord, it's crucial to address the issue directly instead of brushing it aside. If someone is spreading rumors or causing conflict, it's important to confront the situation and encourage them to communicate directly with the person they're talking about. Even if they don't take our advice and perhaps even turn against us, it's important to remember that their actions are not aligned with Christ's teachings. They are closed off to learning and may use deceptive tactics such as smooth talk and flattery to serve their own hidden agendas.
    As Christians, our responses and attitudes should revolve around Christ and his Church. We should aim for obedience, humility, a generous spirit, accountability, contentment, service, growth in our faith, maturity, and a strong desire to fulfill God's will. While we're here on earth, we need to remain watchful against the influence of evil. We must hold fast to our faith, stand firm, fight the good fight, and never give up.
    Scripture: Proverbs 26: 21-28, Romans 16:17-23
  • May 26, 2024Do Not Be Fooled
    May 26, 2024
    Do Not Be Fooled
    Paul's warning is a powerful reminder of the significance of discernment within the church. It urges us to look beyond superficial appearances and professions and instead focus on the fruit and works of individuals. By being vigilant and recognizing the characteristics of those who cause division and strife, we can protect the unity and effectiveness of the church. Be mindful of these warnings and strive to promote a community built on respect, teachability, and constructive behavior.
    Scripture: 2 Samuel 15:1-6, Romans 16:17-20
  • May 22, 2024Week 10: The Family As The Cornerstone Covenant
    May 22, 2024
    Week 10: The Family As The Cornerstone Covenant
  • May 19, 2024Naming Names: Trophies of Grace
    May 19, 2024
    Naming Names: Trophies of Grace
    As Paul wraps up his letter, he takes the time to acknowledge specific individuals for their dedication and unwavering commitment to the church. These individuals labored tirelessly for the Lord and were a tremendous source of blessing to him. In a world where many pursue material success and fleeting pleasures, Paul reminds us that our ultimate legacy should be centered on our love for the Lord and our unwavering devotion to glorifying Him for eternity. So, how do you aspire to be remembered?
    Scripture: Isaiah 52:1-10, Romans 16:5-16
  • May 15, 2024Week 9: Family Covenant Dissolution
    May 15, 2024
    Week 9: Family Covenant Dissolution
  • May 12, 2024Naming Names: Priscilla & Aquila
    May 12, 2024
    Naming Names: Priscilla & Aquila
    This couple served as excellent examples of dedication to the gospel and commitment to Christ. They were highly valued for their willingness to help and were always a refreshing source of support to those around them. Their cooperative and low-maintenance attitude made them exceptional fellow workers in Christ Jesus. Their lives were a testimony to their faith, and they gave their all for the cause of Christ. Their dedication to Him serves as an inspiration and reminder of the kind of Christians we should strive to be. It encourages us to reflect on how much we are willing to sacrifice for Christ and to prioritize the kingdom above all else. The Christian life requires us to make sacrifices, and following Christ means letting go of anything that may hold us back. Let us aspire to be like this couple who gave their all for Christ and served as a source of refreshment and inspiration to those around them.
    Scripture: Exodus 17:8-16, Romans 16:3-5
  • May 8, 2024Week 8: Family Covenant Obligations
    May 8, 2024
    Week 8: Family Covenant Obligations