Join us for Sunday Worship: 10:00 a.m.
West Mifflin Fire Hall #3, 3722 Rodeo Drive, West Mifflin, PA 15122
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Jul 16, 2023
All Things?
The well-known Romans 8:28 encapsulates much about God and His divine sovereignty and providence for all things and applies to every situation.  We can know that no matter the situation, we can be certain that God is using it for our good and his glory.  This applies to both a macro level through God's unfolding plan throughout redemptive history and on a personal level and the difficulties we face.  Though he may test, teach, humble and refine us, he has those who love him in each place for a good reason, and that allows us to be more patient and to trust and depend on him amid our trials.  
Scripture: Genesis 45:1-8, 50:15-21, Romans 8:18-28
  • Jul 16, 2023All Things?
    Jul 16, 2023
    All Things?
    The well-known Romans 8:28 encapsulates much about God and His divine sovereignty and providence for all things and applies to every situation.  We can know that no matter the situation, we can be certain that God is using it for our good and his glory.  This applies to both a macro level through God's unfolding plan throughout redemptive history and on a personal level and the difficulties we face.  Though he may test, teach, humble and refine us, he has those who love him in each place for a good reason, and that allows us to be more patient and to trust and depend on him amid our trials.  
    Scripture: Genesis 45:1-8, 50:15-21, Romans 8:18-28
  • Jul 9, 2023Not Worth Comparing
    Jul 9, 2023
    Not Worth Comparing
    True believers in Christ can expect hardships to come their way in this life, but none compare to the glory that belongs to us in eternity. Though created beautifully, the things of this world are affected by the fall and will not satisfy because they cannot satisfy. One day, corruption will give way to perfection, futility will be replaced with fruitfulness, and this life's pains will be exchanged with everlasting joy. 
    Scripture: Psalm 148, Romans 8:18-25
  • Jun 4, 2023One Assurance, Three Privileges
    Jun 4, 2023
    One Assurance, Three Privileges
    Christians can be sure of their salvation as the Holy Spirit testifies, and He assures us even when we doubt.  We have earned the privilege to be heirs with Christ by having a relationship with God and all that comes with it, to suffer well with Him for Christ's sake, and to share in the glory that is to come, where we can be unashamed in His presence.  
    Scripture: Psalm 119-73-80, Romans 8:12-17
  • May 28, 2023The Spirit of Adoption
    May 28, 2023
    The Spirit of Adoption
    Christians have been adopted into the family of God and have access to all the rights and privileges that come with it.  In light of this truth, we need to cultivate our "family" of brothers and sisters in Christ by caring for one another as we would for a biological family and forge deeper familial relationships as we stand together to face the issues of our day.  
    Scripture: 2 Samuel 9:1-8, Romans 8:12-15
  • May 21, 2023Assurance By Way of Contrast
    May 21, 2023
    Assurance By Way of Contrast
    Those who belong to Christ can be assured of their salvation by way of contrast with unbelievers.  The unbeliever doesn't factor God into their thoughts.  Morality becomes relative, ethics are situational, and there is no ultimate consistent standard by which they live.  By contrast, the believer has their mind set on things of the spirit, and all former "goals" of this life have become eclipsed by the love of Christ, and those things are no longer the basis for the Christian's identity.   We are no longer hostile to God but instead are at peace and in agreement with Him.
    Scripture: Psalm 116:1-14, Romans 8:1-11
  • May 14, 2023Saved and Secure
    May 14, 2023
    Saved and Secure
    There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.  For the sinner saved by grace, this gives us great assurance and confidence in our salvation in Christ, and it can never be lost.  This frees us from worldly expectations and motivates us to live freely and bravely for Jesus Christ.
    Scripture: Psalm 34:11-22, Romans 8:1-5
  • May 7, 2023Every Believer’s Battle (Part 2)
    May 7, 2023
    Every Believer’s Battle (Part 2)
    Because we're sinners, even as Christians, we will always have an ongoing battle against sin due to the barrage of temptations that come our way.   The struggle is real and should be expected in believers, but in Christ, who sets us free and gives us strength for battle, we should not be discouraged.  We must embrace the Holy Spirit and his Word and be in prayer and fellowship with other believers.  In this life, sin is not eradicated but is mitigated as we live for him. 
    Scripture: Psalm 130, Romans 7:14-26
  • Apr 30, 2023Every Believer’s Battle (Part 1)
    Apr 30, 2023
    Every Believer’s Battle (Part 1)
    As believers, we are saved but still struggle with sin.  Although the war has been won in Christ, the battle rages on.  Sin hurts our walk with the Lord, our witness for Christ, and the relationships around us.  We must fight, flee, and resist, looking to Christ and not ourselves, and when we do sin, we must genuinely see our sin for what it is, the God who it is against, and truly repent, knowing that he will forgive us if we come to him in the right spirit.  
    Scripture: Isaiah 1:12-20, Romans 7:14-20
    Sunday, April 30th, 2023
  • Apr 23, 2023Our Relationship To The Law (Part 2)
    Apr 23, 2023
    Our Relationship To The Law (Part 2)
    Scripture: Isaiah 42:18-25, Romans 7:7-13
  • Apr 16, 2023Our Relationship To The Law
    Apr 16, 2023
    Our Relationship To The Law
    The purposes and functions of the Law of God are to restrain evil, to serve as a guide, to show that man cannot keep it, and ultimately, to drive us to Christ. Christ, in sinless perfection, fulfilled the Law, and through him, the believer obediently lives it out. 
    Scripture: Deuteronomy 28:1-6, 15-20, Romans 7:1-6