Dec '20

The Leftist “Confession of Faith” – We Believe: No Human Being Is Illegal
Dec '20

Globalism is the goal. A world without borders, equal access to resources and opportunity, identical policy across the globe, unquestioned and unchallenged…This sounds so peaceful, so loving, so accepting; should not Christians desire this? But just beneath the surface, this is nothing but secular utopian idealism, which is directly opposed to the Christian worldview.
This is Part 2 in our series “The Leftist “Confession of Faith.” Click below to view the others:
Part 1: Black Lives Matter, Part 3: Love Is Love, Part 4: Women’s Rights Are Human Rights, Part 5: Science Is Real
An Empty Phrase
It truly is incredible just how manipulating language can be. A statement like this, that “no human being is illegal, plays to the sentimentality in the conscience of people; it falls flat, however, when it comes to common sense, yet a disappointing amount continues to support this empty phrase. The statement itself is meaningless—taken at face value, it seems to indicate that some people would argue that the existence of particular human beings is against the law.
A position such as this is not defended by anybody. Here is yet another example of the way leftists toy with language to create a false dilemma: what kind of person would dissent to this statement? As most know, this plank of non-negotiable leftist dogma has to do with the issue of immigration.
While immigration may appear initially as an issue to be kept strictly in the political realm, it is in fact informed by a worldview. And if that worldview is not biblical, then the result will be unjust and rebellious immigration policy. Please let it be noted that the purpose of this article is not to propose exactly what American border policy ought to be, nor is it to suggest that US law in this area is perfectly just. Rather, the goal is to examine what Scripture says about borders and nations and to argue that the leftist position is in fact opposed to Scripture.
Undergirded By Marxism
As was demonstrated in the previous article, the leftist platform is in many places undergirded by Marxism, which is an ideology that has produced a number of oppressive communist and socialist regimes over the past century. One of the main goals of Marxism is the abolition of nations, to be replaced by a people entirely identified by their class. Essential to Marxist ideology is its demand to spread, to infect other nations, and to consolidate power into the hands of a few elites. Understanding this element of Marxist thought gives a hint at what the leftist vision of immigration is. With a view that consistently demonizes anyone who would simply enforce immigration law, it is clear that the left is heavily in favor of intense relaxation and even the eventual abolition of borders.
Globalism is the goal. A world without borders, equal access to resources and opportunity, identical policy across the globe, unquestioned and unchallenged. The leftists themselves admit that they do not seek to treat unlawful immigration as a legal matter; they do not think the law ought to be enforced. This sounds so peaceful, so loving, so accepting; should not Christians desire this?–but just beneath the surface, this is nothing but secular utopian idealism, which is directly opposed to the Christian worldview for several reasons.
Inventors of Evil
The Bible refers to sinful men as “inventors of evil” (Rom. 1:31). Man is always bent on discovering new ways to rebel against God, and as men are more and more able to organize and establish control, their rebellion becomes greater and greater. It is for this very reason that God established nations in the first place in Genesis 11. Men sought to exalt themselves as worthy of praise, sought to usurp God by building a tower reaching the heavens; God intervened, punishing them by confusing their language so that they may no longer communicate and coordinate their rebellion with ease. God establishes this division as a necessary safeguard against sin for the good of mankind.
Human nature, as taught in Scripture and confirmed through history, is a destructive one; increased power, greater ability to carry out the desires of the heart, will almost invariably result in the mass destruction of man. God is gracious to protect His creation from this to some degree by limiting man’s capacity to carry out wicked ambitions. He has established particular nations with limited jurisdictions of authority–a division of power, and all accountable to the one Lord, in whom is all power, namely Jesus Christ. Furthermore, God Himself establishes nations (Acts 17:26), most specifically Israel, and He did so by defining borders (Jos. 16-21). It is clear then, in Scripture, that nations with borders and governments are not only a blessing upon mankind, but also are a necessary institution in this fallen world.
A Refusal To Enforce
In addition to all this, the leftist rebellion persists in its opposition to God by simply refusing to enforce defined laws regarding immigration. Human governments are required to enforce just laws–it is the primary responsibility assigned to them (Rom. 13:3-4). Authorities of course may extend mercy, but this is not required. And each nation has the right to define its own laws and policies regarding borders and immigration (provided they are not contrary to God’s law of course); even Pharaoh ensured that Joseph’s family would do valuable work before admitting them to Egypt as refugees (Gen. 47:3-4).
Again, none of this is to suggest that immigration policy needs no reform. However, the leftist stride towards open border globalism is a dangerous and unbiblical one. Like Babel, it is an effort to wrench authority from God and consolidate it into the hands of a few men; the lessons of history teach clearly where these types of movements end up. Nations with borders and law enforcement are blessings from God, and Christians must not so carelessly cast these aside in exchange for a pithy slogan of sentimentality.
Luke Griffo is a member of leadership at Redeemer Church of South Hills in West Mifflin, PA. Click here for more RCSH Blog posts.
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