Nov '19

How Thankful Are You?
Nov '19

We give thanks for his great faithfulness, when ours is so small. For his strength, because we are so weak. His courage, when we are so fearful. His comfort when we are hurting.
Thanksgiving is traditionally a time to reflect and give thanks for all of God’s blessings—especially the good things. There is so much for which we ought to be thankful. This is right and proper, yet the Scripture goes farther, teaching that we are to “give thanks always and for everything” (Eph. 5:20). Always—not just sometimes; for everything—not just good things. What? Wait a minute! Always, for everything? Surely that must be hyperbole! Give thanks for illness? Tragedy? Injustice?
A Way of Life
Ephesians 5:20 describes an attitude, a spirit, a way of life for the believer in Christ. It’s not about making the best of a bad situation, or turning lemons into lemonade; rather, it’s about seeing every circumstance through the lens of God’s providence. Seeing His absolute control and the fact that He has a purpose for and in everything.
So it’s not thanks for the difficulty, per se, but thanks that in the midst of it—whatever ‘it’ may be—we are comforted by his grace, which we do not deserve, his peace, which we cannot explain, and his promises that assure us of his goodness, care, and love. In these times, as Christians, we give thanks that he is sovereignly in control of every circumstance, even as we realize just how little control we ourselves have over them.
We Give Thanks
We give thanks for his great faithfulness, when ours is so small. For his strength, because we are so weak. His courage, when we are so fearful. His comfort when we are hurting. We give thanks as he brings and uses people in our lives at those times to comfort us with their presence, with their words; people who care for us, empathize, sympathize, and assist us through selfless compassion and grace, who prayerfully intercede on our behalf. We give thanks as we reflect back on a particular trial or difficult season, and see the hand of Providence that not only brought us through, but taught us so much about our great God.
Happy Thanksgiving!
-Pastor Joe
Joe Griffo is Pastor of Redeemer Church of South Hills in West Mifflin, PA. Learn more about him here.
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