We are excited to start a new chapter at 6151 Brush Run Road, Bethel Park, PA! Our new home reflects God’s grace and the generosity of His people. Join us Sundays at 10:00 am to worship and hear God’s Word, or watch our service live!
Small groups are a great opportunity to learn and fellowship with other believers. Our small groups exist to know and serve one another persistently, to depend on the Lord prayerfully, to meet God through his Word faithfully and expectantly, to pursue disciples for Christ boldly, to rest in the Gospel confidently and humbly, and to work out our salvation soberly and joyfully.
You are welcome to join us at any of our small group studies.
Bible Studies
Throughout the year, we conduct weekly Bible studies to strengthen us in our knowledge of God’s Word. These studies provide an excellent way for Christians to grow in their faith and also to fellowship with other believers.
Current Studies
Equipping The Saints: What Every Christian Needs To Know
“Progressive Christianity is an open, intelligent and collaborative approach to the Christian tradition and the life and teachings of Jesus that creates a pathway into an authentic and relevant religious experience.”
Progressive Christianity - Focuses on Feelings, Pragmatism, Personal Happiness, Social Justice, Care for the Poor and Oppressed, Environmental Causes, Acceptance of Diversity, Keeping Up with Culture
Progressive Christianity - is not overly concerned with core Christian beliefs, but uses Christian terminology, redefines doctrines or at least, understates them
Biblical authority - inspiration - sufficiency
The substitutionary atonement of Christ (seen as unnecessary. . . “Cosmic child abuse”)
Original Sin - Deny the sin nature
Miracles - Downplayed, ignored
Progressive Christianity is sympathetic to or fully affirms . . .
LGBTQ+ - Relationships, “Marriage”, etc. - (side A & B)
Universalism - Eventually every person will be saved
Social Justice
Perennialism - All religions share similar truths - key is to practice yours faithfully
Naming Names
Hard Core
Jim Wallis
Richard Rohr
Marcus Borg
Peter Enns
Rachel Held Evans
Rob Bell
John Dominic Crossan
Nadia Bolz-Weber
Kristin Kobes Du Mez
Brian McLaren
Brian Zahnd
N.T. Wright
Use Extreme Caution
Tim Keller
Matt Chandler
David Platt
Jen Wilkin
Jen Hatmaker
Russell Moore
Beth Moore
David French
Julie Roys
Karen Swallow Prior
“Discernment is not a matter of telling the difference between right and wrong; rather it’s telling the difference between right and almost right.”C.H. Spurgeon
Covenant & Kingdom: Introduction To Covenant Theology
Covenant Theology is a term that can be intimidating. It sounds complicated, technical, and like something that should be reserved for pastors and paid theologians. Yet covenant is the very reality that shapes Scripture, and really the whole Christian faith. God relates to His people by covenant, He teaches us by covenant signs, and even the way the world and society are ordered is covenantal. It is therefore an essential topic for all Christians to strive to understand. It helps us to better grasp Scripture (especially the Old Testament in its own context), it informs the way we worship, it strengthens the foundations of our faith, and it even helps us to better understand institutions like marriage, church membership, and citizenship. In this study, based heavily on the book The Mystery of Christ, His Kingdom, and His Covenant by Samuel Renihan, we will walk through Scripture as it records God’s historical revelation of His eternal purpose and decree being worked out, as we seek to better understand the Christian faith.
The Ladies’ Fellowship group of Redeemer Church provides opportunities for women to grow in their spiritual relationship and understanding of God and to be strengthened as members of His church.
Study: What God Has Prepared
Tuesdays, 10:00 a.m.
Zychowski Home
Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m.
Tullai Home & Zoom
Study: Discovery Bible Series
Thursdays, 9:30 a.m.
Fisher Home & Zoom
Men’s Fellowship
We believe that every man needs other men in his life who are following hard after Christ. That’s why the Men’s Fellowship Group exists. We are a community of men of all ages and all spiritual stages who support one another in our pursuit of Christ-likeness. It doesn’t matter if you’re a new believer or a life-long follower of Christ, we welcome all men to join us for this time of fellowship and study.