No Excuses

Now is decidedly not the time to press on with incremental bills that chip away at abortion around the edges. It is time for the ax to be laid at the root of the tree.



Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.
-Ephesians 5:11



The New American Androgyn

If we will not speak up on behalf of this most basic creational truth, the glorious distinction between male and female, will we speak up for anything? Our culture is seeking to willfully shred reality into something unrecognizable and despicable.


Covenantal, Not Casual: The Cultural Significance of Sex

We must understand that all of the culture exists downstream of our perspective on sexual ethics and marriage, hence why every false religion, cultural movement, or sociological phenomenon has a sexual dimension to it.


Equity and Utopia

While most Christians do seem to understand the unrealistic and dangerous nature of utopian thought—as well as its bloody history—the seductive agent which is captivating many a Christian mind today, is the concept of equity. The reason why movements rooted in wokeness, such as social justice, racial justice, radical feminism, and racial reconciliation are taking hold of many churches is that they promote a certain idea of “fairness” that appeals to people who see intrinsic value in all humanity.


Rogue Religious Authority

To question these experts is to question science itself, the chief deity of secularism–who are we, the peasants, that we could lodge any speculations? This superstitious, blind fervor must be called out and rejected wherever it is found, be it in Jihadist Muslims, fundamentalist Christians, or radical secularists.


The Fruit of Neutrality

We tell ourselves that if we can upset the least amount of people, be generally well-liked and well-respected by the world, then people will be more likely to listen to us and be won to Christ; but in reality, the heart of neutrality is self-preservation—a desire to protect our general level of comfort, undisturbed by angry secularists. As a result, there has been a mass exodus of explicit Christianity from the public square and from public institutions.


The Leftist “Confession of Faith” – We Believe: Science Is Real

This is the tension that the leftist finds himself in; he refuses to worship God, the Creator, and so he must worship that which is created, nature. In this way of thinking, undisturbed nature is perfect, and man’s intervention does nothing but destroys that which is inherently good.


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