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The Leftist “Confession of Faith” – We Believe: Black Lives Matter

What decent human being would claim that black lives do not matter? The well-documented issue with this, however, is that the simple and true statement “black lives matter” cannot be divorced from the radical Black Lives Matter organization and movement. This is the manipulative language game played by the left, which is the theme of their confession.

No Justice, No Peace?

In a world marred by sin, injustice remains prevalent, and justice will never be perfectly executed. How then are we to respond to injustice? How then can we have peace? Read more…


The Sinfulness of Sin: Lawlessness

It is of the utmost importance that we understand exactly what sin is and what makes it so wicked. A clear understanding and firm grasp on this is essential to biblical Christianity; it humbles us by reminding us of just how rebellious we are, and it brings to our consciousness the transcendent holiness and perfection of God Himself. Read more…

Better Off Dead?

We must understand that God has not kept us on this earth by accident, but in His providence, He is building up His church, one body made up of uniquely gifted members, all integral for His purposes. So the questions we ought to be asking ourselves are “where has God made us ‘necessary’ for His purposes? In what areas can we have a greater impact?

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The Searing of the Conscience

What is being called destigmatizing is in reality the intentional effort to sear men’s consciences by the continual repetition and eventual believing in lies. It’s a choice. It’s health care. It’s a woman’s right. It’s nobody’s business. It’s not a baby. We must understand that the arena in which we fight is not primarily political—nor is it over societal construction—but over conscience.

How Did We Get Here: Remember The Sabbath Day

One of the deficiencies of fallen man is that we forget. Our memories fail us, skills and facts we once knew fade and if we do not refresh our minds, the problem is only compounded. God knows this about us and it is precisely why He blessed us with the Sabbath day.

Good News For All

God here arrives on a mission of mercy, with good news of great joy. And what makes the arrival of the Lord Jesus good news is not only that He arrives as king, but that He also arrives as Savior. Instead of coming in just judgment, God comes to mercifully secure the salvation of all the subjects of His kingdom.

How Did We Get Here: You Shall Not Take the Name of the Lord Your God In Vain

The teaching is that the only stipulation of being a Christian is to say a prayer, walk an aisle, or invite Jesus into your heart, with little or no talk about true transformation, dying to sin, or living in holiness, and thus, the significance of the name “Christian” is severely diminished. The result is a generation of nominal Christians who have no concern for imitating Christ, obeying Christ, or walking in a manner worthy of the name. And this is a “Christianity” which cannot hope to impact the world.

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How Did We Get Here: You Shall Not Make For Yourself An Idol

In our culture, there seems to be a “Jesus” for almost every group and movement. There is a democrat Jesus and republican Jesus, moralist teacher Jesus, social justice Jesus, activist Jesus, environmentalist Jesus, hippie Jesus, free love Jesus. Instead of being conformed into the image of the Son, we imagine Him to be just like us, taking some of the things we like about the person of Christ, and then mixing in whatever we want Him to be.

How Did We Get Here: You Shall Have No Other Gods Before Me

What has been propagated by many Christians in recent years is a sort of “American Dream Christianity.” The purpose is to pursue and attain whatever is desired in this life—relationships, jobs, wealth, health, comfort—with religion, church, and God fitting neatly into their respective places. God becomes a component of one’s life, but never the whole of it.