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6151 Brush Run Road, Bethel Park, PA 15102
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We are excited to start a new chapter at 6151 Brush Run Road, Bethel Park, PA! Our new home reflects God’s grace and the generosity of His people. Join us Sundays at 10:00 am to worship and hear God’s Word, or watch our service live!

Equity and Utopia

While most Christians do seem to understand the unrealistic and dangerous nature of utopian thought—as well as its bloody history—the seductive agent which is captivating many a Christian mind today, is the concept of equity. The reason why movements rooted in wokeness, such as social justice, racial justice, radical feminism, and racial reconciliation are taking hold of many churches is that they promote a certain idea of “fairness” that appeals to people who see intrinsic value in all humanity.

Rogue Religious Authority

To question these experts is to question science itself, the chief deity of secularism–who are we, the peasants, that we could lodge any speculations? This superstitious, blind fervor must be called out and rejected wherever it is found, be it in Jihadist Muslims, fundamentalist Christians, or radical secularists.

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The Fruit of Neutrality

We tell ourselves that if we can upset the least amount of people, be generally well-liked and well-respected by the world, then people will be more likely to listen to us and be won to Christ; but in reality, the heart of neutrality is self-preservation—a desire to protect our general level of comfort, undisturbed by angry secularists. As a result, there has been a mass exodus of explicit Christianity from the public square and from public institutions.

The Leftist “Confession of Faith” – We Believe: Science Is Real

This is the tension that the leftist finds himself in; he refuses to worship God, the Creator, and so he must worship that which is created, nature. In this way of thinking, undisturbed nature is perfect, and man’s intervention does nothing but destroys that which is inherently good.

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Jesus Is Risen, Jesus Is Lord

Let us rejoice in Christ’s resurrection by gathering together and boldly and publicly proclaiming to all the only gospel of the risen Savior, and that He and He alone is Lord.

The Leftist “Confession of Faith” – We Believe: Women’s Rights Are Human Rights

It is undeniable and bears repeating, that this crusade against the unborn is core to leftist doctrine. Their mission is to enshrine for all women the untouchable and unquestioned right to murder her baby, at her convenience, without the possibility of anything standing in her way. This is the goal.

The Leftist “Confession of Faith” – We Believe: Love is Love

Christians cannot hope to bring about conviction over sin and repentance for it by the gospel message if the reality of God’s sovereign rule over all is so quickly abandoned. And one by one, Christians are surrendering foundational truths to LGBTQ demands, from God’s definition of marriage and the biblical family model, to even God’s own role as Creator when it comes to gender.

The Crisis of Cowardice

If our treasure is on this earth, if we love our stuff, our comfort, our reputation, our safety, then it is likely that we will compromise our obedience on the day of trouble. But if Jesus Christ alone is our treasure—if we love His name, His glory, His church, His truth—then we will stand courageous. We will confront danger, we will suffer, and yet by the Spirit and His strength, we will obey.

Thoughts For Christians Entering the New Year

Many Christians are asking the question right now, “what can we do?” We see the mountainous obstacles before us, we understand that fundamental issues are hanging in the balance, and we yearn to act, yet we do not know exactly what action to take.

The Leftist “Confession of Faith” – We Believe: No Human Being Is Illegal

Globalism is the goal. A world without borders, equal access to resources and opportunity, identical policy across the globe, unquestioned and unchallenged…This sounds so peaceful, so loving, so accepting; should not Christians desire this? But just beneath the surface, this is nothing but secular utopian idealism, which is directly opposed to the Christian worldview.