Join us for Sunday Worship: 10:00 a.m.
6151 Brush Run Road, Bethel Park, PA 15102
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We are excited to start a new chapter at 6151 Brush Run Road, Bethel Park, PA! Our new home reflects God’s grace and the generosity of His people. Join us Sundays at 10:00 am to worship and hear God’s Word, or watch our service live!

The Necessity of Women

The message of transgenderism is clear: there is no unique value in being a woman, nothing specifically glorious about true femininity, and no need for women to be the recipients of particular care and protection.

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Reforming Our Political Calculus

Christians must think differently about politics than the secular world does. While we certainly must apply wisdom and pursue a shrewd strategy, our overriding principles must be integrity, justice, and above all, faith that God is consistently working for His glory and the ultimate good of His people.


Calling: Liberty & Limitation

Because it rejects all proper boundaries and limitations, the modern world suffers from constant confusion and anxiety. There is an over-emphasis on the self, exhortation to look inward, to find self-fulfillment, and literally selfishness. This is the exact opposite of the biblical prescription.

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Never Make the Same Mistake Twice: Faithfulness in the Fight Against Transgenderism

Christians would be wise to examine the foundational failures of the Christian response to abortion over the past fifty years and seek to avoid these same mistakes in the fight against transgenderism. If we wish to prevent Bostock from becoming the next Roe, if we desire to spare future generations of the perverse tragedy of transgender ideology, then Christians must not repeat the manifold errors made in the abortion battle.

Preparing For Grace

As the issue of transgenderism specifically continues to assert itself as the brightest flashpoint of the modern cultural battle, Christians more and more must realize that this horrifying trend commands our engagement.

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“Big Pro-Life” Is A Big Problem

Something that must be understood, and which is made quite clear in the letter, is that one’s worldview will determine not only how abortion is fought but also the end to which it is fought.

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No Excuses

Now is decidedly not the time to press on with incremental bills that chip away at abortion around the edges. It is time for the ax to be laid at the root of the tree.


Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.
-Ephesians 5:11


The New American Androgyn

If we will not speak up on behalf of this most basic creational truth, the glorious distinction between male and female, will we speak up for anything? Our culture is seeking to willfully shred reality into something unrecognizable and despicable.

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Covenantal, Not Casual: The Cultural Significance of Sex

We must understand that all of the culture exists downstream of our perspective on sexual ethics and marriage, hence why every false religion, cultural movement, or sociological phenomenon has a sexual dimension to it.

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